As per our return or exchange policy, we accept returns or exchanges made within 15 days of order receiving. You will have to send back the items in 100% original form at your own shipping; we will not compensate charges paid by you while shipping back to us.
We will require 10-15 business days to settle these claims. In case of swatched, broken, or unsealed items there are no returns or exchanges possible.
Order Refusals:
Skin Care Solution; reserve the right to refuse any order due to a history of refusing cash on delivery orders in past. In most cases, if someone has refused to twice in past, we will not send new orders.
Shipping Damages / Broken Items:
Skin Care Solution; take the best possible measures in packaging but since some of the makeup items are very delicate so in case something is damaged by the shipping company during the transit, you need to contact us as soon as possible after receiving those items, and we will not return or exchange such items but we will provide you a discount coupon as per the damage happened.
We will require 7-10 business days to settle these claims.